





Corporate social responsibility is defined as an integrated business function of an organization which ensures that the organization commits some social good required by the law and the society along with achieving its objectives. Corporate social responsibility has the aim of achieving greater social good as well as corporate objectives.

I had the opinion that the concept of corporate social responsibility is just for the firms to look good in the eyes of the society. I thought the concept was only for the paper as theory but not practical. In my opinion, organizations were involved in corporate social responsibility activities to maintain a social status and earn profits in the long run. I thought the organizations were being involved in corporate social activities to advertise themselves and position themselves as a well-known brand or to distract the public and media from the other operations of the organization. In my opinion the organizations involved in corporate social responsibility activities have the aim to only increase their commercial profit by being popular and more reputed in the eyes of both the public and the government. In my opinion, organizations that exist to maximize their profits and achieve their objectives as early as possible cannot put social welfare ahead of the factors that are profitable for the organization. I knew of some organizations that in public boast about their corporate social responsibility activities but in the back carry our operations that are harmful to both environment and society. I thought these activities were just to cover up the actual truth behind the operations of the organizations.