


在任何公司,数据都承载或掩盖了大部分信息。所以我们需要保护这些数据不受病毒或其他可能的威胁的影响。就网络信息而言,对任何商业组织的潜在威胁包括病毒、未经授权的访问和恶意软件。bug有时还会为病毒或任何对系统安全数据的外部访问创建路径。现在,如果我们要详细解释一下这些缺陷,我们就会对所有这些事情有一个清晰的概念。病毒:病毒这个术语的定义是任何通过使用外部设备如笔驱动器、CD和DVD等进入我们系统的外来粒子。这些元素不会破坏系统或任何有价值的数据,但它们可能非常危险,因为它们可能被用来监视我们的有价值的信息,就在一个远程站点上。未经授权的查阅:未经授权的查阅是指就机构或公司的行为守则而言不适当的查阅。未经授权的访问可以通过员工访问的形式,也可以通过外国媒体,如黑客和其他技术进步(Frisk & Kokko, 2007)。

这种缺陷对公司来说是非常危险的,会导致很多重要信息的丢失,最终导致非常巨大的损失。弊病:这也是一种在我们中间很常见的缺陷。如果发生故障,进入我们系统的元素,开始创建它们的副本,使机器变慢,导致机器向我们提供错误的输出和不希望的结果。相关的风险和威胁:风险可以根据信息和种类定义为问题或损失。任何类型的安全措施都会带来风险,包括人身伤害或损害,如保安人员与可能的嫌疑人发生争执,如果公司员工未经授权进入公司,可能的嫌疑人会被拘留。这类系统中涉及的威胁主要是网络威胁,在网络威胁中可能会丢失公司的有价值的信息以及属于公司隐私和政策的许多其他此类安全数据(Licari & Swanson, 2005)。


In any company, data carry or cover up the major portion of the information. So we need to secure up these data from getting affected by viruses or other possible threats. The possible threat to any business organisation in terms of cyber information includes viruses, un-authorised access and malwares. Bugs also sometimes create path for the virus or any foreign access to the secured data of the system.Now if we are to explain each of these flaws in a bit of detailing, we will get to have a clear idea about all these things.Viruses: The term virus, is defined as any foreign particle that has got an access to our system through the use of external devices like pen-drives, CD’s and DVD’s etc. These elements do not damage up the system or any valuable data but they can be as very dangerous as that they can be used to keep surveillance on our valuable information, just sitting on a remote site.Un-authorised Access: Un-authorised access refers to the access that is not proper in terms of the code of conduct of an institution or company. Un-authorised access can be in the form of access through employees or it can be via foreign media like hacking and other technological advances (Frisk & Kokko, 2007).

This kind of flaws mostly proves to be very dangerous to the company and leads them to loss of much vital information and ultimately leading to very huge losses.Malwares: These are also a kind of flaw seen commonly among ourselves. In case of malwares, the element that enters into our system, start creating copies of them and make the machine slow, resulting in the machine to provide us with erroneous outputs and undesired results.Risks and Threats associated:Risk can be defined as problems or losses in terms of information as well as in terms of kind. With any kind of security measures comes risk which includes injury or damage in terms of physical conditions like hassling between the security staff and the possible suspect, in case of detaining of a possible suspect in case of un-authorised access among the employees of the company. Threats mostly involved in these kind of systems is in terms of cyber threats where there is possible risk of losing valuable information’s of a company and many other such secured data which belong to the privacy and policy of the company (Licari & Swanson, 2005).