


在图形上的任何,任何特异性的结论和建议或报告上wsbc分集策略。第一,它是重要的分析现有的情况对于分集(kossek和组织瓣,1996)。在现有的情况wsbc没有特异性,目前的管理和实践formalised分集系统,这样它可以提供支持的任何类型的业务整合和实施。事实上,人力资源管理,这encompasses本身的多样性,是不是一wsbc formalised单元中。此外,员工工作中的自组织与wsbc已经长时间是个尽职的员工无法创新电流分布,和他们的效率有湖泊a渐进下降。一个最重要的活动在人力资源培训与开发的单位有没有整合的战略规划和绩效管理的组织的工作人员(ferneret等人,2005年)。作为结果是,有几乎没有任何的发展重点是现有员工的技能。管理培训和发展组织认为在努力帮助infusing CAN在忠诚和员工对组织的承诺。然而,在没有特异性的培训和发展计划,建立正式的战略研究学院和失神的多样性有可能是困难的wsbc设法其电流和未来的需求,尤其是在快速变化的商业环境。即使wsbc管理学院的重要性的理解是因为在劳动力的多样性,多样性和现有的替代方法管理过学院的人力资源战略。summarize服,到目前的情况wsbc可以提到以下方面:

  • human资源管理是目前在正式组织作为一个单元。
  • employees酒店营运相关组织已经从一个长的时间,造成了缺乏创新和效率。
  • there没有正式的培训和发展计划,现有员工的技能发展。
  • ultimately,有没有任何特异性多样性管理策略,由于它wsbc已被一个传统的方法处理它的人力资源策略。


Before drawing up any conclusion and coming up with any specific suggestions or report on the diversity strategy to WSBC, it is first important to analyse the existing situation regarding diversity in the organisation (Kossek&Lobel, 1996).  In existing situation in WSBC, there is no specific formalised diversity management systems and practise present so that it can provide any type of support to business integration and implementation. In fact, human resource management, which encompasses the diversity itself, is not a formalised unit in the WSBC. Moreover, employees working in the organisation have been associated with WSBC since a long time, due to which employees are unable to innovate in their current profile, and their efficiency has seen a gradual decline. One of the most important activities under HR, i.e. training and development has no integration with the strategic planning and performance of the organisation as well as employees (Ferneret al, 2005). As result of which, there is hardly any focus on the skill development of the existing employees. Management of the organisation believes that training and development efforts can help in infusing loyalty and commitment in the employees towards the organisation. However, with no specific formal plan setup for training and development and absence of strategy for diversity, there might be difficulty for WSBC to manage its current and future requirements, especially under rapidly changing business environment. Even though WSBC management understands the importance of diversity in the workforce, especially since diversity offers an alternative over the existing approach of managing the workforce strategy. Overall, to summarize the current situation of WSBC following aspects can be mentioned:

  • Human resource management is not present in the organisation as a formal unit.
  • Employees associated with the organisation have been working since a long time, resulting into lack of innovation and efficiency.
  • There no formal training and development plan for the skill development of the existing employees.
  • Ultimately, there is absence of any specific diversity management strategy, due to which WSBC has been following a traditional approach to handle its workforce strategy.