


所选择的业务是涉及贷方和借方的短期资本要求融资。他们按照他们的资本要求在货币市场上借钱或借钱。货币市场是指短期到期的金融工具交易和结算的金融市场。市场参与者由大量借款人和贷款人组成,他们在市场上进行交易以满足其短期资本要求。这些资本要求的期限可能会从几天到不到一年。在货币市场上交易的工具本质上是高度流动的。货币市场工具包括存款证,银行承兑汇票,国库券,商业票据,联邦基金和回购协议。货币市场处理短期到期证券,提供各种投资机会和渠道。它充当了填补借款人和贷款人之间的资金缺口的桥梁。与股票和商品市场相比,货币市场波动较小(ROBERT J. BARRO,1975)。
金融是企业的生命线。资本的注入是建立企业及其后续增长和发展的一个要求。涉及制造业,建筑业,工程业等不同行业的公司既有短期的资金需求,也有长期的资本需求。政府干预货币市场的一些原因是金融稳定,资产价格上涨温和,市场流动性充裕,抑制通货膨胀,调控经济信贷流动。政府也可以为货币市场干预整个经济的增长和发展。为了影响货币市场监管经济中可用的信贷,政府可能会采取一些措施(Salina H. Kassim Turkhan Ali Abdul Manap,2008)。


The chosen business is of financing for short term capital requirements which involves both lenders and borrowers. They borrow or lend money in the money market as per their capital requirements. Money market refers to financial markets wherein trading and settlement of financial instruments with short term maturities take places. The market participant’s comprises of a whole host of borrowers and lenders who transact in the market for meeting their short term capital requirements. The duration of such capital requirements may vary from several days to less than a year. Instruments traded in the money market are highly liquid in nature. Money market instruments consist of Certificate of Deposit, banker’s acceptance, Treasury Bills, commercial paper, federal funds and repurchase agreements. Money market deals with securities of short term maturities, offer various investment opportunities and avenues. It acts as a bridge to fills money deficit gap between borrowers and lenders. Money markets are less volatile in comparison to equity and commodity markets (ROBERT J. BARRO, 1975).
Finance is the lifeline of business. Infusion of capital is a perquisite requirement for setting up of business and its subsequent growth and development. Companies engaged in different sectors involving manufacturing, construction, engineering etc. have both short as well as long term capital requirements. Some causes for intervention of the government in the money market are financial stability, moderation in rise of assets prices, ensuring ample liquidity in the markets, curbing inflation and regulation of credit flow in the economy. The government may also intervene in the money markets for the growth and development of the economy as a whole. The government may restore to several measures in order to influence the money market for regulation of available credit in the economy (Salina H. Kassim Turkhan Ali Abdul Manap, 2008).