


The pollution level, identity of the place and the indidviual connection to the space is less in the case of urban design. The opposite is true for the case of Huntsmere road. There is more character to the space and the people identity with this area more. It has more open space and the density of trees and green environment is more. This makes the livability factor and the relative comfort factor slightly higher in the Huntsmere Road. In the future when the people choose to develop an urban design, they should factor in the open spaces, reduce density and conglomeration of buildings from one space. This would enable in the improvement of the relative comfort offered by each space. Reducing the density of buildings and focusing on developing the green space should be the urban manifesto in the future.

In the case of Hurstmere road Takapuna Auckland, there is lesser density and more importance given to the green space. There is more identity in this place and more ownership can be developed by the people living near the road. There is considerably lesser traffic in this road and it is ecologically friendly. There is lesser density of traffic and more green space when compared to the urban space design. At any given point of time, the number of people accessing the roads is considerably lesser when compared to the urban road. The pollution in the area is also considered to be very less when compared to the urban areas. However, this road does not serve the commerce needs nor does it have access to many services and amenities.

When looking into the aspect of density, it becomes evident that the people start a dichotomous conversation as to importance of urbanization or green space. Both of these are required to satisfy the conditions put forward by Jacobs and Appleseed. There should be a better planning undertaken by the city council and the governmental bodies to increase the commerce in the suburban area and increase green space in the urban areas. There is an interesting Māori culture and European in Auckland along with the recent influx of immigrants. They can use this to form newer identities and renewed ownership to the place. This would essentially benefit the people and increase the likability of a space. From 1840 to 1940, it was found that there was a machine age in Manhattan. The people worked with renewed spirit and were able to maintain the spirit of the place and managed economic viability. This can be achieved in these urban and sub urban designs as well.
This would allow in each area being economically viable and would also increase the identity, livability and ownership of the people towards the place.

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