


The difference in the lowest and highest employment nations, the ratio of which is growing is another concern that is not addressed as it must. EU must ensure equal opportunities for all, and design immigrant policy for internal members in such a way which does not lead to imbalance of talent and employment. Equal measure of employment is achieved by studying each nation’s core competencies and adapting the policies as per the conditions that prevents polarisation of employment. Barca (2009) suggests EU must adopt for a place-based approach of addressing the disparities instead of sticking to region based approach. Every single place has its own weaknesses and capabilities, as per which the policy must be formed, not that a location with no natural resources must be enforced to pay resources tax. This increases disparity to an extended level, leading to calls of dissociation.
Issue of the 75% of EU population being below the per capita per person income within EU, is an agenda of priority. EU must instead look for ways of lifting the weaker nations first by imposing differential tax rates so as to balance some proportions of economic advancements. Directly getting the weaker nations into the bloc without prior plans is a failure personified. EU must study the bloc’s individual nations to understand the core issues and their reasons, before formulating unanimous policies which are discriminatory.

The European Union is a large political and economic bloc of global force and importance. It secures for itself a global identity that matches none other. Although the intentions of integrating all geographically connected nations into a single market is a novel approach, keeping them aligned on single policy agreements is a task of a lifetime. The EU never really saw parity within its region, that it always had disparity from its beginning is a fact universal. The disparities in employment opportunities, GDP growth within nations, wealth and poor policy implications, differential policy impacts and treatment, discrimination, and a region based approach is killing the core motive of keeping all together. EU is introducing and adapting self-destructive policies, fuelled by globalization, capitalism, and liberalism ideologies. These ideologies have in them a seed of destruction. Differences in the EU are here to stay forever, as it is trying to combine unequal parts to make a single entity. The EU must instead adapt an innovative place-based approach, albeit slowly and gradually that it enables to gauge the effectiveness of its implementation.

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