


研究表明,从长远来看,实施可持续发展计划将提高公司的生产率,并将为公司带来利润(麦肯锡& company, 2016)。然而,在这种背景下,投资者可能不会轻易被说服。投资者可能不认为可持续发展倡议投资属于商业范畴。他们可能会将可持续发展举措视为为公司创造非财务价值。与其他投资于此类举措的公司进行相对比较,将有助于我们了解相关情况。实施可持续发展的公司仍在实现目标的过程中,这对投资者来说还不够令人信服。在这种情况下,投资者不赞成CEO可能不得不反对公司的可持续发展计划。肯德基公司的例子。为企业提供基于可持续发展倡议的电子标签排名的在线网站指出,肯德基在其可持续发展倡议上不那么透明。
他们还指出,在可持续性实施方面,企业可能缺乏协调和政策(Rankabrand, 2016)。选择的例子是肯德基。有观点认为,肯德基的首席执行官应该更好地投资于可持续经营和供应链管理。所有的食品和饮料公司都在一定程度上投资于可持续性。Casini等人(2010)提出了三种不同的商业模式。一些企业坚持所谓的投入模式,严格执行可持续的实践。有些人被归类为“非剥削者”,他们会实践,但不会向利益相关者和投资者传达他们实践的重要性。一些企业被称为“落后者”,他们从来没有采用可持续的做法(卡西尼等人,2010)。肯德基处于“落后者”和“非剥削者”之间。肯德基必须致力于成为一家致力于可持续发展的企业。


Research presents that implementing sustainability initiatives would improve productivity of the company in the long run and would also be profitable to the company (McKinsey & Company, 2016). However, investors might not be easily convinced in this context. Investors might not consider sustainability initiative investment as being on the business side. They might consider sustainability initiatives as generating non-financial value for the company. A relative comparison with other companies that have invested in such initiatives would be brought into context. Companies implementing sustainability are still in the process of achieving targets and this would not be convincing enough for an investor. In such cases where investors do not approve the CEO might have to oppose sustainability initiatives for company. Example Company -KFC.Online website providing e-label rankings to companies based on the sustainability initiatives states that Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC is less transparent on its sustainability initiatives.
They also state that the business might lack coordination and policy when it comes to sustainability implementation (Rankabrand, 2016). The example company chosen is KFC. Arguments are made towards the CEO of KFC for better investment in sustainable operations and supply chain management. All food and beverage companies invest in sustainability to a certain extent. Casini et al (2010) presents three different models on how businesses embrace sustainability. Some businesses adhere to what is called the devoted model where they implement sustainable practices strictly. Some are categorized as the ‘unexploiters’ who would practice but not communicate the importance of what they are practicing to stakeholders and investors. Some of the businesses are called the ‘laggards’ who never adopt sustainable practices (Cassini et al, 2010). KFC is somewhere between being a ‘laggard’ and a ‘unexploiter’. KFC must focus on becoming a devoted sustainable business.