


Many of the mature companies are focused on seeing a major shift in their culture to be a negative trend. The company should bring in changes at a gradual pace. The company should lose some of the cultural. They must measure the culture and ensure that adjustments are made in order to measure the culture (Lapinski and Rimal, 2005). The organizational culture can be considered to be a major asset. The change in culture is not a negative aspect. The company should understand that the damaging liability can cause the company to grow and can be more sustainaing (Halepota, 2005). Measuring and management of the companies are required. These would create a system that all the people in the company are benefitted by the system. The profit of the company is critical. In the past few years, the employees voices have been muffled for their dissatisfaction with the company owners and the managers of the company (Bowditch, Buono and Stewart, 2007; Jung, 2001). The employees must have a feedback system where the management will be able to understand the changes in the company. There must be benefit of strong culture. This is measured to be utilized beyond the productivity. These would impact the key performance indicators (KPI’s). The company must have employees that would help them improve the customer relationship. This is built by the company for the growth of all the stakeholders involved in the process.
These are some of the main recommendation that has been proposed. Added to this, changes must be implemented at regular intervals. These factors would create a cohesive dynamic where all the stakeholders will be benefitted. This would lead to continual process improvement.

From initial examination and observation, it is alluded that the current management system is dogmatic and abrupt. There are issues observed in the ways in which the company reacts and interacts with one another. A general tendency to shift the blame, lack of accountability and nebulous process has been observed. This leaves little room for newer innovation. To improve these processes, a change in the morale, teamwork and the change management of the company are needed. A paradigm shift is mandatory to change the mentality of the employees. For this analysis, there should be the use of a theoretical background as a formula to develop a subjective systemic process to ensure a cohesive action between all the stakeholders involved in the process. The company needs to bring in these changes to ensure that all the stakeholders of the company are benefitted in this process.
To conclude, there will be a process improvement in the company if these changes are implemented by the company.

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