


桑托斯有限公司(Santos Ltd.)最近股价下跌,这可能是影响该公司业务的最新事件之一。2014年,该公司股价大幅下跌。仅仅一个月,公司就损失了他们所收购的全部价值的40%。这些数据比世界上任何其他公司都糟糕。对于一家石油制造公司来说,这是令人惊讶的。但与此同时,市场正处于一个艰难的阶段,油价已跌至过去五年的最低点(Kaplan et al, 2001)。这对价格产生了潜在的影响。价格下跌的压力导致能源指数在一个月内下跌了23%。尽管对于许多公司来说,这是一个急剧的下降,但与桑托斯相比,这简直是小巫见大巫。

桑托斯股价下跌之所以造成这种差异,是因为桑托斯资产负债表稳健相关的稳健性。造成这一问题的主要原因之一是大约49.2亿美元的债务。这比2012财年增加了35.8亿美元。债务的增加意味着公司的负债水平提高了。这就是我可以很容易地按时承担经济责任的地方。可能没有必要说这是一件坏事,它可能会影响到公司履行财务义务的能力。桑托斯债务增加的原因是需要为公司的资本投资计划提供资金(Ward et al, 15)。


One of the latest events which may impact the business of Santos Ltd. is the recent fall in its shares. In the year 2014, the shares of the company had fallen by a large numbers. In a single month the company had lost 40 % of the overall value which had been acquired by them. These stats were worse than any other company in the world. It was surprising for an oil manufacturing company. Though during the same time the market was undergoing a tough phase and the oil prices have tumbled to the lowest value in the last five years (Kaplan et al, 2001). This led to a potential impact on the price. The pressure of the price drop has resulted into the benchmark fall in the energy index by 23 % over a month. Though, this was a steep drop for many of the companies, it was nothing in comparison to that of Santos.

The disparity which has been established in the drop of Santos price fall is because of the robustness related to the Santos balance sheet robustness. One of the major reasons which has been the primary cause of this issue is the debt of around $4.92 billion. This was the $3.58 bn increase in comparison to the 2012 financial year. The increase in the debt implies that the gearing level of the company has been rose. This is where the financial obligation can be me easily on time. It may not be necessary that this is a bad thing, it may have an impact on the ability of the company to meet the financial obligations of the company. The reason for the increase in the debt of Santos was the need to have the funding for the capital investment program of the company (Ward et al, 15).