


It has been identified from the research that the participation in community gardening enables fostering distinct citizenship among the population. This makes it imperative to discuss the manner in which this participation within the community gardening provides the individuals with the citizenship.
It was found from the review of literature that the community gardens play a critical role in providing a connection to the communities with the food. The research provided an insight that community members have become cognizant towards the essentiality of organically grown food. This provides with the members of community with the sense of belonging to the culture and food they interact with on a regular basis.

Restricting Internet can challenge the right to freedom of the people all over the world. The evidences have shown that various governments are restricting Internet for their selfish reasons and to keep their citizens under control. The restriction of limited control over Internet can be justified for the various safety reasons and for protecting the young children from unsafe material. However, restricting on high level is not justified. People should have the freedom of expressing themselves and should be able to access, political and economic information. The flow of information has also been able to support business globally.

His paper has focused on discussing the access to Internet and how various countries have restricted their citizens to access some Internet sites. However, evidences have shown that restriction is not limited to some sites due to pornography and adult content, but restrictions are also due to deliberate actions of the governments. Paper provides examples of many countries that have high restriction and control over Internet. This displays that in today’s world as well, people are not completed free. Their right to freedom is also challenged at many phases.

The political supported community gardens have enforced the members of Toronto to embrace the sustainably produced food. One of the researches utilized three case studies to embrace food citizenship concept that indicates that the community members as gardeners utilize the spaces of the garden in order to share the passions for both food and plants.
The movements and general sense of security associated with the food have provided with the community members of Toronto to obtain affordable and healthy consumable food. It has been identified that the strong drive towards gardening has enabled fostering of the both food and soil citizenship.
The second reading has further asserted that the participation within the community gardens allows the participating members to engage within the health allowing social space. This space further motivates the members of community to actively participate within the community gardens through undertaking physical activities of gardening along with the social interactions.

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