


Inclusive education
Inclusive education is the broader framework and foundation on which the entire education system is stayed, implemented, altered, and operated. Inclusiveness is the key principle in this kind of education, which all students, irrespective of their background, ability and disability, and other natural and extreme differences are considered to be one under one roof of education and teaching. This blurs or eliminates the differences that are most natural and visible, which is of the disabled students and their counterparts. Inclusiveness defends the natural differences between students, promotes human development, accepts the different kinds of student abilities, and is highly based on diversity principles. Diversity is an indispensable part of inclusive education, which students learn to accept each other’s differences and yet agree to blend themselves into the mould of inclusiveness (Nind, Rix, Sheehy & Simmons, 2014). Under the goal of inclusiveness, the entire education system can be changed to fit the demands of the larger number of students, make it more standardised and predictable in practice and approach. This deters the focus and attention on differences which has played a larger role in dividing society and ideologies. For example, the age-old rivalry and enmity between the whites and blacks in the US is eliminated in the inclusive education system, because all students are one and are judged by the same principles and criteria set about. Similarly, the students from special education categories like disabled or mentally challenged are included in the inclusive system, and given equal status, equal attention and care as others, albeit their security is always a matter of higher concern and priority than normal students.
Special education
Special education is a kind of education system, where special students are attended by special teachers in a special school environment. These students do not work with normal students as mentioned inclusive education. These schools are bent on the principle of adapting a teaching standard that fits the demands, discomfort, and disability and learning abilities of these special students. This is unlike inclusiveness because by virtue of the students disabled and challenged they are kept alone in a secluded environment, where special attention is given to them for their learning. The primary reason for adopting this method is the underlying principle that these special students will not be able to walk hand in hand and be as active as the other students in society. Thus, it ignorantly marginalises and imposes a stigma on these students’ abilities, which starts right from special education system. When they are all kept alone and away from inclusive education, these students will not learn the highest societal principle of inclusiveness, which by default is an unavoidable prerequisite for anyone desiring to live in civilisation (Paul, 2013). Special students are a tag that is imposed on the disabled, so that they do not become the mainstream actors of society attracting sympathy votes at work. Such an education stays the same and does not challenge the students to rise above their challenges, because if it is not attempted, none of them will learn to cope with newer challenges on their own.

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