

当代企业迫切需要从不同的地理位置聘用员工。全球化促进了竞争的加剧,并为企业不断发展创新创造了必要条件。它们还必须满足不断变化的消费者需求。在这个过程中,企业需要雇佣来自不同文化背景的员工(Luo, 2007)。来自母国的文化差异和不同的经营模式是员工选择辞职的原因。这样的营业额对公司来说可能是昂贵的。他们需要雇佣新的资源,并从一开始就对他们进行培训。在这一过程中,降低员工流失率变得越来越困难。移居到新目的地的外籍人士在适应新环境方面存在困难。由于文化和个人问题的不同,他们被发现要搬回自己的祖国。这个过程对公司来说可能是昂贵的(Luo, 2007)。招聘和开发资源是一个耗时的过程。为防止员工流失,人力资源(HR)管理者必须具备必要的工具和能力,以确保防止员工流失。本文旨在探讨在华外籍人士接受跨文化培训的细微差别。澳大利亚代写-不同文化背景的员工管理分析中,东道国是中国。

Companies, for providing guidance, hire expatriates skilled in technical knowledge. From this, they can comprehend best practices followed in another country and understand the cross cultures. Expatriates who choose to work in Chinese corporations can be broadly classified as follows. Some of the employees choose to work for short-term or long-term projects. In short term projects, employees typically adjust to new surroundings better. Nevertheless, the costs involved in the processes are found to be higher. In cases where the employees work shorter term, higher pay is given to the employees (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow 2010). This depends on the duration of the project and subsequent requirements. It is for these issues that the employees are made to work in longer-term assignments. Commuter assignments are found to gain prominence in the current era. Inherent advantage in this process is the greater agility and the flexibility it offers. People need not leave their home country in this situation. Disadvantages of this process are the loss of productive working hours during the process of commuting (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow 2010). It is found to be disruptive for long-term processes. Mobile cadre assignments involve travelling by the personnel to learn about the different cultural notions and processes. In this process again, there is a lot of flexibility and agility. It allows the personnel to gain holistic understanding of the issues to develop solutions. This is also found to be disruptive for families and companies when it is operational for longer durations. Hence, this is considered for short-term durations. Young people usually follow self-initiated projects. In this, they prefer to travel the world and choose assignments where they can understand about the world. In this process, the remuneration offered to the personnel will not be in lieu of their sacrificed. Corporations initiate Inpatriate assignments (Marx, 2011). In this process, personnel from one country are made to travel to another a country within the same project. Advantage of this process is knowledge transfer of the actual elements and technical knowledge. There is also more understanding of the psyche and the culture of the other country (Marx, 2011). Virtual assignments people from different geographical locations are made to work together. In this process, the other will compensate redundancy of operations by a certain team (Marx, 2011). Coordination issues and time zone difference are found to be issues in this management.
From analysis of all the worker types operating, it has been found that there is a need for proper personnel management by the HR to avoid issues. HR should have the right candidate and ensure that they have a model to prevent employee turnover.

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