


1764年,英国通过了另一项法案。这个法案是《糖法》,旨在从殖民地攫取更多的钱。随着1765年印花税的开征,扑克牌、报纸、法律文书等日常用品开始征税。这种情况对于美国人来说是不可接受的,因为他们发现这是不公平和不公正的(Wood, 2011)。美国革命并不完全是像法国革命或俄国革命那样的社会革命。此外,美国革命也不能彻底改变目前的制度和社会结构。

拥有权力的旧政权不会随着新的阶级或社会群体而改变。为独立而战的美国殖民者只能在政治和社会结构上得到根本的改变。革命的主要意识形态是以民主共和主义改变封建结构为基础的(Bailyn, 2012)。然而,在今天,革命的最初目的与美国的实际行动之间存在着高度的不一致。同样重要的是,要认识到在美国独立战争期间提倡的最初原则。


In the year 1764, another act was passed by England. This act was Sugar Act, which was meant to snatch more money from the colonies. With the Stamp tax in the year 1765, taxes were started to be imposed on the everyday products, such as playing cards, newspaper, legal documents, etc. The taxation was imposed with the help of the soldiers. This situation became unacceptable for the Americans, as they found it to be unfair and unjust (Wood, 2011).American Revolution was not completely a social revolution like the French revolution or either like the Russian Revolution. Also, American Revolution could not completely upheaval the previously present institutional and social structures.

The old authorities, which had powers, were not changed with new classes or social groups. The American colonists, who were fighting for independence, could only receive fundamental change in political and social structures. The main ideology of the Revolution was based on changing the feudal structure with democracy and republicanism (Bailyn, 2012). However, today is there is a high inconsistency between the original purpose of the revolution, and what was actually done by the United States. It is also important to recognize the original principles, which were promoted during the American Revolution.