

激勵是取得成就的途徑,無論是工人、學生還是其他人。這是有效學習背後的主要推動力。為了得到鼓勵,個體需要一種鼓舞人心的學習心態(Schraw et al., 2010)。許多變量影響個人接受培訓的動機,例如,他們對主題的熱情,他們對失望的理解,為什麼數據對他們有價值,對完成任務的廣泛渴望,他們的自我關注和自信。對小企業家來說,與工人打交道是最令人擔憂的問題。這是因為企業一直不知道如何與員工打交道(Schunk和Zimmerman, 2013)。成功地與工人打交道是通過指導和實踐獲得的專業知識。許多關於激勵的書籍已經出版,學習機構也不斷地提出教學大綱。動機理論是建立在“人際關係”分析的基礎上的。動機理論的新目標是追求人類慾望的實現。這種新的做法在上世紀50年代得到了管理層的認可。

1954年,馬斯洛提出了他的“需求指揮鏈”,即人們把自己的需求安排在一個層次結構中,從而激發他們最初尋求滿足較低層次的慾望。一旦這一層次的慾望得到滿足,它就不再是一種激勵力量,個人就會通過下面的層級提升得到鼓勵。基本需求,例如,住所,營養和情感,都是馬斯洛指揮鏈的基本層次,隨後通過身體健康,社會認可,自我關注,到“自我完成”(理解個人能力)的發展。這一階段的另一位作家赫茨伯格(1959年;此外,1968年和1987年)指出,人們要求他們的“清潔方面”被管理得足夠,然後他們才會以任何方式工作。無論如何,他反駁說,他們只是受到“激勵因素”的啟發,從根本上通過發達的職業,有益地工作(Eccles和Wigfield, 2012)。


Motivation is the way to the achievement, be it a worker, a student or some other person. It is the main thrust behind effective learning. In order to be encouraged, individuals require an inspirational state of mind for learning (Schraw et al., 2010). Numerous variables influence individual’s motivation to be trained, for example, their enthusiasm for the topic, and their apprehension of disappointment, why the data is valuable to them, a broad craving to accomplish, their self-regard, and self-assurance.Dealing with workers is referred to just like the most concerning issue to little entrepreneurs. This is on the grounds that businesses all the time don’t make out how to deal with workers (Schunk and Zimmerman, 2013). Successfully dealing with workers is an expertise attained by guidance and practice. Numerous books have been composed on the subject of motivation, and syllabuses are consistently put forward by learning institutes.Motivation theories were made or based upon the “human relationships” analysis. The new target for motivation theory was on the quest for fulfilment of human wants. This fresh approach was cleared by management view in the 1950’s.

In the year 1954, Maslow put forward his “needs chain of command” as indicated by which people have their necessities orchestrated in a hierarchy so that, they are inspired to look for fulfilment of the lower levels of desire initially. As soon as that level of desire is fulfilled, it is no more a motivating force, and the individual is encouraged by the following step up in hierarchy. Essential needs, for example, shelter, nourishment and affection are in the base level of Maslow’s chain of command, which subsequently develops by physical health, social acknowledgment, self-regard, to “Self-completion” (understanding one’s individual capacity).One more author from this phase, Herzberg (1959; additionally 1968 along with 1987) stated that people required their “cleanliness aspects” to be managed enough, prior to they would work by any means. In any case, he disputed that they were just inspired to work beneficially by “motivator aspects”, fundamentally through developed occupations (Eccles and Wigfield, 2012).